Saturday, 15 September 2007

In Mummy's tummy

I have to put this amazing image on Oli's blog. It's me with one of Leeby's incredible body paintings of a 50's polka dot bikini & a beach ball painted on Oli's bump! Damo took it 2 weeks before Oli was born. I just love it!


So the latest news is that we are moving to Sydney! I'm being a bit more accepting about the whole thing now 'cos I really can see the positives.

Last Saturday (quiet APEC weekend) we looked at a few places & funnily enough we only put an application in for the very first one we viewed in Woollahra, and got it! It's a cute little north facing 2 bedroom unit with a small courtyard. The lovely Leeby Dolly came with us to mind the little man while we frantically ran in and out of the car to look at lots of expensive mouldy crap! God love her.

We move on September 27th - less than 2 weeks! This will be the 5th time we've moved in the last 19 months! I can and can't believe it. Seems so strange to move to something a quarter the size of this place and pay $60pw more! Uh well, we get to see more of Daddy so it's worth it.

Oli's not sleeping much during the day - which gets quite frustrating as he needs constant attention. Being a mum has definitely got to be one of the hardest jobs on the planet! Today we're trying to pack for the big move. If only he would fall asleep for 1 hour it would help a great deal. But as if that's gonna happen. He's so busy and doesn't want to miss a beat!

The little man is finally rolling around a lot & kind of enjoying being on his tummy. He has really bad eczema on his back and is doing lots of smelly, runny poos - apparently teething signs. But people have been telling us he's teething since he was 3 months. Who bloody knows!

Monday, 3 September 2007

Fathers Day

It's been a while since I've written a post for Oli's blog.

He's going thriving. Eating LOTS, getting big, sitting really well, squealing loudly, sleeping well (un-swaddled) & his general well being seems much better after making the switch from formula to raw milk (straight from the cow - unhomogenised & unpasteurized).

Yesterday was fathers day. Oli and I waited eagerly for daddy to come home from Wagga (where he had photographed a wedding) to give him cuddles, gifts and a yummy dinner. He got home at about 3:45pm. Oli was doing his doggy paddle out of water thing again. Damo hung out with us for a little while before hitting the office to meet some work deadlines. I was a little upset he couldn't spend the rest of the day with us, but hey, someones got to put the food on the table. At the rate Oli's going, he'll be eating us out of house and home at the age of 1!

There's been talk of us moving to the city so Damo can spend more time with us & not have to do so much driving, but to leave this place stunning for a tiny shit box in that noisy, dirty place would be an extremely hard move for me to make.

We've had my girlfriend Sahra staying for the past few days with her gorgeous baby girl Kiana. I dropped her off at the train station yesterday morning, wishing she could stay for longer. It was great to see her, and I think Kiana and Oli really enjoyed each others company.

Oli's uncles Paddy-Jack and Kieren came to visit yesterday too which the little man loved! It was great to watch them play with him and make him laugh.